UFO$86082$ - traducción al español
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UFO$86082$ - traducción al español

Ufo: Aftermath; UFO Aftermath

n. (Abrev.) OVNI objeto volador no identificado
alien abduction         
UFO Abduction; Alien abductions; Alien Abductions; Alien Abduction; Alien experimentation; Anal Probe (modern mythology); Abduction Phenomenon; Abducted by aliens; Post-abduction syndrome; Alien Abduction Trauma and Recovery; Alien-human hybrid; Abduction phenomenon; Alien abduction phenomenon; Human-alien hybrid; Alien abductee; UFO abductee; Alien Abductee; UFO Abductee; Skeptical perspectives on the abduction phenomenon; UFO ABDUCTION; Hubrid; UFO abduction; Abduction by space aliens
(n.) = abducción, abducción por seres extraterrestres
Ex: These people believe not only in alien abductions, but also in things like UFOs, ESP (extrasensory perception), astrology, and crystal therapy.
UFO sighting         
UFO sightings; Hudson Valley Sightings; World War II UFO Sightings; UFO sighting; List of major UFO sightings; List of alleged ufo crashes; Tinley Park Lights; List of UFO incidents; List of UFO Sightings; Milton Torres 1957 UFO Encounter; Milton Torres; Milton Torres sighting; List of sightings of unidentified flying objects; List of alleged aircraft–UFO incidents and near misses; Alleged aircraft-UFO incidents and near misses; List of Alleged UFO Crashes; List of UFO sightings; List of alleged UFO sightings; List of UFO cases; List of alleged aircraft-UFO incidents and near misses; List of UFOs; List of alleged UFO crashes; Cape Girardeau UFO crash; List of observations of solar and lunar transits of unknown objects; Bonsall UFO sighting; Hopeh Incident; Arequipa UFO incident
(n.) = avistamiento de ovnis
Ex: India -- especially the Himalayas, China, and Myanmar have been experiencing heavy UFO sightings in recent days.


unidentified flying object
1) to sight a UFO
2) (misc.) a UFO sighting


UFO: Aftermath

UFO: Aftermath is a 2003 real-time tactics/turn-based strategy video game created by ALTAR Interactive. It is a homage to the X-COM game series, with roots in the unfinished game The Dreamland Chronicles: Freedom Ridge. It was followed by two sequels, UFO: Aftershock (2005) and UFO: Afterlight (2007).

The game's concept is similar to the unreleased X-COM: Genesis. The player assumes the role of commander of the last humans left on Earth and guides the forces through the crisis to eventually overcome the alien threat. UFO: Aftermath combines global strategy with tactical missions, including an RPG-style approach to each soldier's attributes and skills.